Call for Entry

Here is the detailed information about the application and screening process
for the Seoul Design Award.


※ Please confirm the English notice for details of the announcement.

※ Multilingual Call for Entry are provided as reference materials to assist participants worldwide. Please be sure to review the Korean or English Call for Entry before the submission.

Design projects in all fields realized within
5 years by designers and planners who
contributed to a more sustainable and
harmonious future between people and people,
people and society, people and the environment,
and people and nature.
2024 Key Dates
(Korean Standard Time)
01 April 1 (Mon) – June 28 (Fri), 3PM
*The deadline has been extended
Submission Period
02 June – September Screening Period
03 October Citizen Vote
04 October (TBA) Award Ceremony


Winner Benefits
For all winners
  • ① Publicity opportunities
  • ② Trophy and package
  • ③ Award logo usage rights
  • ④ Project featured in the 2024 booklet
Additional benefits for top 10 teams
  • ① Invitation to the award ceremony at DDP in Seoul
  • ② Opportunity to present at the international conference

Screening Criteria

Everyday Problems

Does the project address challenges
for sustainable daily life, aiming
to foster harmony among people,
society, and the environment?

Creative Solution

Does the design offer a creative
approach to solving the problem?

*Feasibility of Design Research (*Applicable to Area 2 only)

Does the research propose a feasible
method of realization based
on the expected user experience?

Social Impact

Does the design’s solution
ripple into society?

Vision for the Future

Does it present a forward-looking
vision that can be scaled globally?

Social Impact

Does the design’s solution
ripple into society?

*Feasibility of Design Research (*Applicable to Area 2 only)

Does the research propose a feasible
method of realization based
on the expected user experience?

Vision for the Future

Does it present a forward-looking
vision that can be scaled globally?

Screening Process

1st round screening


2nd round screening


Final screening




※ Additional documentation and interviews may be requested during the screening process
※ After the final screening, the teams that successfully pass the verification process will be announced as the ultimate winners
※ The winners of the first through third places among the top 10 teams will be announced during the awards ceremony in October

Submission Method

Submissions will be open from April 1 by accessing through [Guidelines] – [Submission] of this website. (all submissions should be written in English)

submission page
  • Detailed submission guidelines are provided in the FAQ section on the website. (The FAQs will be continuously updated as necessary)
  • All responsibility for submitted documents remains with the applicant(s); documents received by the Secretariat will not be returned.
  • Entries will be disqualified and awards may be revoked in the following circumstances:
    • The content of the submitted documents differ from the facts or are found to be false.
    • The submission violates intellectual property rights, including copyrights and the design rights of a third party. This can include engaging in plagiarism, illegal copying, or not citing sources.
  • Copyright for the materials submitted at the time of entry belongs to the applicant(s); the host or organizer may use the submitted work for publicity purposes (exhibitions, events, publications, etc.) after consultation with the applicant(s).
  • Even if the project was carried out in the name of an official organization, the individual/organization that actually executed the project is subject to the screening process.
  • All schedules for screening, awarding, and announcements are subject to change with the circumstances of the organizer.
Inquiries Seoul Design Award Secretariat (Mon ~ Fri, 9:00 ~ 18:00 KST)
  • Website:
  • E-mail:
  • Tel.: +82-2-2096-0056
Newsletter Subscription
Leave your e-mail address here to receive information on how to submit and news about our Award.

If you know a project that matches the values of the Seoul Design Award, please report it to us.

Deadline is 31 October 2021